Eng. Lyubomir Kachamakov
Deputy Chairman of the Management Board of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber,
Vice President of CICA
Eng. Ioanis Parteniotis
Vice President Confederation of Labour “Podkrepa”, co-founder of the Construction, Industry and Water Supply Federation – FCIW “Podkrepa”
Prof. DSc. Vassil Kirov
Deputy Director of Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Prof. DSc. Rumyana Jeleva
Leading Researcher of Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Marieta Atanasova
Head of "Project Management" department, Bulgarian Construction Chamber
Yordan Yordanov
Deputy Chair of Construction, Industry and Water Supply Federation – FCIW “Podkrepa”

Domenico Campogrande
Director General of FIEC - European construction industry federation

Lena Guyon
Policy Officer Social Affairs, FIEC - European construction industry federation

European Federation of Building and Woodworkers

Giuseppe Perretti
Policy Advisor Healthcare & Provident Funds, AEIP

FCIW Podkrepa
Marketing research on the trends of skills and professions in construction sector in Bulgaria and Q&A
Prof. Vassil Kirov
Ms. Rumyana Jeleva
National events in Bulgaria
Ms. Marieta Atanasova, BCC
National campaign - schools visits
Mr. Yordan Yordanov, FCIW "Podkrepa"
Reaction from European Social Partners – European perspective
The added value of the Paritarian Model
09:30 -10:00
10:00 - 10:15
10:15 – 11:00
11:00 - 11:10
11:10 – 11:30
11:30 – 11:50
11:50 - 12:05
12:05 – 12:15
12:15 - 13:00

2 Maria Luiza Blvd TZUM, 1000, Sofia, Bulgaria
and online.
Please register yourself by October 18, 2024.
At the event, Prof. DSc. Vasil Kirov from the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences presented the results of a survey among construction companies on trends in the development of professions and skills in the construction sector. Analyses were also conducted on the transition to digital transformation, green technologies, and the use of new materials and software in the construction industry.
Mr. Yordan Yordanov, Deputy Chair of the "Construction, Industry, and Water Supply Federation " – "Podkrepa", presented information about the national campaign to enhance the image of the construction sector. Discussions were held with a total of 302 graduating students from vocational high schools specializing in construction in Burgas, Haskovo, and Pazardzhik, as well as with 118 trainees attending retraining courses in Northwestern Bulgaria.
The national events under the project and the signing of the tripartite memorandum between BCC, FSIW "Podkrepa" and the Association of Construction Schools in Bulgaria were presented by Ms. Marieta Atanasova, Head of the "Project Management" Department at BCC.
The conference was opened by Mr. Dimitar Koparov, Director of the "Organizational Policy, International Activities, and Project Management" Directorate at BCC, and Eng. Ioannis Parteniotis, Vice President of the Confederation of Labor "Podkrepa," who highlighted the partnership, the importance of dialogue in the social sphere, and the focus on employment and the demand for skilled workers.
The event was streamed live on the Facebook page of the Bulgarian Construction Chamber, and a recording can be viewed here: https://www.facebook.com/100080300799673/videos/896712168721082/
A guest at the event was Mr. Giuseppe Peretti, Policy Advisor for "Healthcare and Provident Funds" at AEIP – the European Association of Paritarian Institutions, who presented the role and added value of the paritarian model, as well as the services provided by paritarian social funds.
Feedback on the project was shared by the partners from FIEC, the European Construction Industry Federation, and EFBWW, the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers.
The Director General of FIEC, Mr. Domenico Campogrande, closed the conference with an assessment of the challenges faced by the construction sector in securing a skilled workforce.