General objectives:
General objectivee of the proposal is to reinforce the capacity of national social partners – even though in the last couple of years FIEC, EFBWW and AEIP have been implementing several different projects targeting CEECs (e.g., paritarian funds, health and safety at work, employment in SMEs, attracting youth to the sector, etc.), there is still a lot to be done in order to strengthen both the trade unions and employers’ representatives in the CEECs as regards their industrial relations. The still weak social dialogue in CEE countries can be explained by various historical, demographical, political, and economic changes, therefore with our proposal and its specific objectives we aim at focusing on challenges and opportunities to keep building a system of properly functioning industrial relations in the construction industry. In addition, the construction industry accounts for 9% of EU27 GDP and counted around 7.7%
of global employment before COVID-19, hence health crisis had an extraordinary impact on the industry.
Promoting EU funding opportunities (ESF) and assistance in developing possible social dialogue activities.
Overcoming undeclared work and illegal practices in CEE.
Strengthening the currently still weak social dialogue in CEE countries.
Identification of disappearing construction professions due to digitization, together with the required new skills and competences and ways of working.
Improving the image of the construction sector in society and thereby attracting more young people and women to the sector.
Identifying the challenges that the COVID-19 pandemic has posed to the construction industry.
The specific objectives of the project include: